Monday Mornings for the Master
Each Monday morning at 10:00 am (except on holidays) those who would like to participate meet at the annex for a time of fellowship, coffee, snacks, and to sign cards for those who are sick or need encouragement. We also use the time to help with copying Bible lessons for the teachers, organize supplies, and to discuss upcoming events. One or more of the elders typically attend making this a great opportunity for planning sessions. Anyone interested is invited. We typically finish around 11:30 am but everyone is encouraged to come and leave as the need arises
Missions Home and Abroad
New Antioch is very blessed to be able to support those serving God in missionary work. In the past few years, we have combined with other congregations to help spread and establish the Gospel in Ghana as well as other areas of the world, such as India (through World Evangelism). Currently we provide support for teachers in China. We also support efforts in drilling freshwater wells in Western Africa, through Ghana West Africa Missions. We also support programs at home, such as House-to-House and others.
In a world where the youth are constantly bombarded with every type of immorality, it becomes even more imperative that there are activities and programs designed to help answer their needs. We continually support our youth though sound Bible teaching and engaging lessons, game nights, youth camps, and get-togethers, and involvement in the overall activities of the congregation. Additionally, when possible, we participate in the county-wide youth devotionals as well as the Christian Youth Conference held each winter in Gatlinburg.
In the past, New Antioch has hosted seminars intended to support our community. Topics have included Financial Peace and Marriage Enrichment. We are continuing to explore other events aimed at benefiting those who live in our area.
Benevolence and Outreach
For several years members of New Antioch have participated in a “Winter Warm Coat Drive” to help provide necessary coats and clothing for those in need. This past year we changed to donating to “Blankets for the Homeless”. We also maintain a food pantry for those in our community. It is out hope and aim that we can share the message of the Gospel though our actions as well as the spoken word.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27
College and University
We understand the need to learn and be involved in higher education. But we also know that with these opportunities also comes the attacks from worldly influences, such as post-modernism, humanism, and agnosticism. With many of our youth growing up and heading off to college, we feel that it is imperative to support those who would try to provide a sound and upright influence on university campuses. It is with this regard that we happily support the Christian Student Center at the University of North Alabama.
We are also proud to be able to support Faulkner University and Freed-Hardeman University in their efforts to educate and train Godly men and women.